That weekend, Cathy moved into the barn, and into 'Astral Traveller'. Bert and Ernie made squealing noises at Buddy and Boston, and high-taled it along the fenceline in a spirited game of tag. Boston high-stepped and bounced around at the sight of his new neighbours, whilst Buddy snuffled Bert's wiry mane and scratched his withers over the fence.
Ebony immediately insisted that Cathy ride Boston in the Pro-bix charity showjumping event the next weekend, upon finding out the prize that was being offered. Three months, all-expenses paid, live-in training with showjumping legend Paul Schockemohle in Germany. It was an opportunity that neither of them could miss, and Ebony wouldn't hear of Cathy's protests; she needed this break more than Ebony, really. Ebony found that Boston responded beautifully to Cathy's sympathetic riding style, as she had known he would. They only came up against a minor hiccup, since as Cathy was of such a tiny frame, Boston occasionally got a little strong and difficult to stop, since Cathy did not have Ebony's way of slowing her horses using her seat and weight. It was minor problem though, and with a little practise and a change of bit, they were happily jumping well enough to enter for the event. Ebony was delighted to see her horse going to so well, and felt proud of him. Her attention had been so wrapped up in saving Buddy of late, she had been feeling a little guilty at taking Boston for granted. Now here he was, showing off how well she had schooled him since his days off the track, and Ebony felt her heart swell with pride. He was her first love, after all.
On Thursday, Cathy insisted that they go into town and splurge on something vicious to wear to the ball. As Ebony walked into the air conditioned mall and heard the techno music pounding out from the clothes stores with their bubble-headed, doe-eyed mannequins, she almost ran back to the truck. Cathy grabbed her arm.
"No you dont!" she said. "We're going to find you something fabulous! I just love shopping!"
"Yes, but look at you." Ebony pointed out. "Shopping's easy when you're tiny. There's never anything that's made to look nice on someone who's a size 14."
Cathy just shook her head and dragged her into the first shop.
An hour later, Cathy's disembodied voice came from beyond the dressing-room curtain.
"How's it look?"
Ebony swished open the curtain and grimaced at her. "Great - on the coat hanger. I cant get the stupid thing to zip up!" She tried to reach her arms behind her, and realised some of the teenage girls in the shop were giggling and pointing. God, dont let those girls be from my school, she pleaded silently.
"Turn around...oh look... Ebony, you've got the lining all stuck in the zip. No wonder you cant get it done up....here, wait pull this down...." Cathy tugged and struggled with the zip, then finally, Ebony felt the satin lining of the dress slide down into place and the zip go up with a satisfying 'zzzzzzziiiiiip'.
"There. Perfect."
It was not a flashy dress, but Ebony did not like to stand out. It was structured around the bust like a corset, and the fabric runched and gathered around her bust in gentle lines which were black with a hint of silver shimmer. from the waist, the dress fell away in a soft flowing skirt which reached the floor. It made Ebony look elegant and understated, as well as showing off all her assets.
"It's prefect, Eb! You look like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's! ... which gives me an idea... I'll get you some gloves and a diamonte choker..." and Cathy was off again. The girl sure did love to shop!
Friday night came before either girl knew it, and soon, they found them selves primping and doing their hair in the bathroom, wiping the mirror with a towel as it fogged-up annoyingly from the shower. Cathy was putting on turquiose eye shadow along her lids which went beautifully with her neutral makeup, asian skin colour, and turquoise dress. The dress she had decided on was simple, to the knees with spaghetti straps, but she had found the most glamerous shoes which were turquoise with a killer heel.
"I dont know how you expect to dance in those things," laughed Ebony reaching down to do up her simple black heels with an ankle strap.
"Dahling!" cried Cathy dramatically, "One simply must be prepared to suffer for beauty!" she laughed, "plus I'm like, two feet shorter than everyone without them! I'll be left out of every conversation if I dont do something about my vertical disadvantage."
Finally there was a rattle on the roller door, and Ebony slide it aside to reveal Ryan in a sleek charcoal grey suit with a burnished orange tie. His hair had been coaxed with product into shiny waves, and he smelled deliciously of aftershave.
"Ladies....wow." He stepped back. Then he looked questioningly around him at the barn, "have I got the right place?"
Cathy bounced up to him and whacked him playfully with her clutch-purse. "Shut up. I hope you cleaned your car before picking us up in our finery"
He took Ebony's hand and slipped a fine silver bracelette over her gloved wrist. It sparkled. It was perfect.
She looked up at him grinning "Ryan, what..?"
He put his finger to his lips and gestured toward his ute. "Your pumpkin awaits".
The ball was at a manor house located just outside the town. Inside, the walls were all painted cream and fairy lights and tiny candles twinkled and flittered all around. Deep blue velvet couches and some small tables and chairs were arranged around a stage and dancefloor festooned in gold fabric and Pro-bix's navy blue logo. A few people were dancing, some were at the bar ordering drinks. Ebony spotted Harrison almost immediately and waved.
"Baaaaaabe! You look good enough to eat! Oh my god, look at your boobs, darling! They're exploding out of there!" he poked jokingly at her cleavage. "Aren't you the lucky one? She enough to turn me straight... well not quite." Ryan laughed.
"And there you are Cath, my little peacock!" Harrison picked up a squealing Cathy and hugged her to him like a doll. "Goodness, I'm glad you're all here. I dont know where Mira or that mad paddy are, but I am having a lovely time flirting with Marc over there" he waved at the barman who blushed. "Oh isn't he gorgeous? Over here from Argentina to play polo apparently." He explained sipping his champagne. "Like my suit?"
It was quite a suit, Ebony had to admit. It was deep purple, and Harrison wore it with a lilac shirt, unbuttoned without a tie, and thin silver aviator sunglasses. His hair was coifed up into a faux-hawk.
"Would you like a drink?" Ryan asked the girls.
"Mmm! Champagne!" nodded Cathy, and Ebony nodded her agreement.
They wandered around and socialised, catching up with some of the people they only saw at horse events. Sometimes, they failed to recognise people, as they usually only saw them in their riding clothes. Everyone was so dressed up. Ebony wished she had exercised more over the last month, and wished for the millionth time she could lose a little more weight. She felt a little frumpy, especially next to tiny, brightly coloured, Cathy. But no one could feel bad around Cathy for long, as soon she was giggling like mad and dragging Ebony out on to the dance floor to do Nut Bush. Ebony jumped around with the other dancers, giggling and holding her cleavage to stop it bouncing around. Her face felt red and hot, and some of her hair was working its way loose and falling in sweaty strands around her face. She spotted Mira who had finally arrived talking to Ryan. Ryan was laughing at something and Mira was touching his arm. Ebony shook her head and decided it was time for water. She made a 'drinking' motion to Cathy and slipped in between the dancers and over to the bar. Marc gave her a tall glass of iced water and smiled at her. He really was lovely. She raised her champagne flute and winked at Harrison, who winked back. Mira walked up and kissed Ebony on the cheek.
"Hey there Hun! That dress looks great" Mira said smiling and asking Marc for a champagne. Her own dress was stunning - of course. Mira was one of those girls who could wear anything, and it would look stunning. She could wear a chaff bag and still look like a Miss Univese entrant. Her Big brown doe-eyes sparkled slightly with gold shimmer, and her full lips were glossed. her chocolatey, Sri Lanken skin perfectly accentuated the gold slip dress she wore, with it's delicate straps and plunging neckline. She wore high gold sandals which criss-crossed up to her knees, and her shoulders sparkled gold. She looked like a Ferrero Rocher. She looked like a golden goddess.
"Mira, that dress is.... incredible!"
"Thanks." Mira looked around, "Have you seen Paddy?"
"No," said Ebony. "He'd be here somewhere though. I'm gonna quickly duck outside to cool off. I think I've danced all my make up off, and I probably stink!"
She wandered out onto a small balcony and found Cathy laughing with Harrison and a couple of Swedish riders they had met. The champagne was flowing fast, and all of a sudden, Ebony felt the world tilt to one side and everything go fuzzy. The Swedish woman laughed and it pierced the air. She had big white teeth, that flashed as she laughed: Haw-haw-haw. Cathy asked her something, but it swam around her ears, and so Ebony just nodded and gulped a little more of her champagne. She stood a little unsteadily and breathed in the cool night air, clinging on to the railing. Slowly, the nausea slipped away and her head cleared.
"You ok?" Cathy asked.
"Yeah, i think the champagne's just gone to my head! I cant feel my legs!" she laughed.
"Wanna go to the bathroom and splash your face?"
"Yeah," Ebony turned from the railing to face the room and the scene before her hit her like a punch in the gut. In the middle of the dance floor stood a couple. They stood separate from everyone and everything around them. The world seemed to slow down, as they burned bright in the centre. Ebony could hear nothing, feel nothing, as she saw the look in Ryan's eye as he gazed down a Mira. His arm encircled her tiny gold waist and they swayed close. Mira was talking and suddenly their faces were getting closer and Mira's lips parted-
Ebony felt sick. The bile rose violently in her throat, the vomit filling her mouth as she pushed roughly through the people and into the toilets.